
Physiotherapy at DMARehability is provided by registered Physiotherapists. As primary health care professionals, physiotherapists combine in-depth knowledge of how the body works with specialized hands-on clinical skills to assess, diagnose and treat symptoms of illness, injury or disability.

With the goal of independence in mind, the physiotherapist aims to restore the ability to resume the physical aspects of activities of daily living, vocational and avocational pursuits. The physiotherapy assessment may include evaluation of joint range of motion, strength, coordination, motor control, posture, gait, balance and functional mobility. Specialized measures, such as vestibular function testing, may also be utilized.

The physiotherapists at DMARehability have extensive experience in the rehabilitation of individuals who have sustained trauma as a result of a motor vehicle collision, workplace injury or fall. They provide expertise in a variety of areas including neurological rehabilitation (adult and paediatric), vestibular rehabilitation, orthopaedic manual/manipulative therapy and management of chronic pain.

Physiotherapy Assessment

A physiotherapy assessment is often the first step in the client's physical rehabilitation. The assessment includes an objective physical assessment of the client’s strength, range of motion, functional mobility (transfers, stairs, ambulation, balance etc.) and balance. Assessments are most often completed on clients with musculoskeletal, neurological or vestibular limitations.

The resulting report is a clear, well-documented baseline of the client's current abilities, as well recommendations to assist the client in returning to their pre-accident status.

Physiotherapy Treatment

Following a physiotherapy assessment, and at the request of the referrer, physiotherapy treatments are initiated. We provide one-on-one treatments for musculoskeletal, ABI and spinal cord clients. These treatments can occur in-home or in-clinic.

Functional Abilities Evaluations – KEY

With these systems DMARehability has the capability of providing:

  • Post Offer Evaluations – New hire
  • 1 and 2 day In-Clinic Assessment
  • 1 and 2 day In-Home Assessment
  • Baseline Assessment
  • Injury Specific Assessment
  • Job Match Assessment
  • Return to Work Assessment with recommendations

KEY: The KEY Method FCE is an objective and legally defensible protocol for evaluating people's safe capabilities. When administered by our certified therapists, an FCE can meet the needs of clients, physicians, insurance carriers, employers and lawyers in determining work potential or determining safe activity tolerances. To provide confidence that the assessment results paint a true picture of the client's safe capabilities, each KEY assessment includes a Validity Index indicating the extent of the person's participation. For convenience, the KEY Method FCE equipment is mobile, allowing our therapists to conduct the assessment across Southwestern Ontario in our clinics, employer worksites or at clients' homes.

Exercise Programming

This service is either home based or gym based. One-on-one programs are developed with primary goals that include: increasing/maintaining abilities, returning a client to pre-injury status and/ or creating independence. Abilities and progressions are carefully monitored through period evaluations and detailed reporting. Programs focus on range of motion, strength and functional tolerance improvements with ongoing comparison to pre-injury abilities, if necessary.

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular Rehabilitation has been shown to be a highly effective tool in the management of vertigo caused by an insult to the vestibular system. Our Certified Vestibular Physiotherapists are trained to assist clients through a systematic approach of assessment and progression of vestibular rehabilitation exercises.