Rehabilitation Therapy

After sustaining an injury that has disrupted their home or working lives, our clients want to work hard to return to their former roles as family members, employees, students, household contributors, and people who live physically and mentally active lives.

Caring family members and associates need the support of well-trained and experienced Rehabilitation Therapists to ensure that their loved ones are getting the support they need.

Rehabilitation Therapists at DMARehability:

  • are Certified Brain Injury Specialists who work effectively with individuals who have sustained an acquired brain injury
  • have experience with individuals who have sustained a spinal cord injury
  • provide support to individuals with all forms of orthopedic injuries
  • work collaboratively with the client, their family, and their rehabilitation team to ensure effective rehabilitation
  • can be there on a daily basis so there is consistent support from a friendly and familiar professional

Under the direction of Regulated Health Professionals such as Doctors, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, etc., Rehabilitation Therapists facilitate sessions to:  

  • improve physical abilities such as strength, range of motion, balance, and coordination
  • increase independence in the home and community
  • support a return-to-work plan
  • facilitate Activities of Daily Living such as cooking, cleaning, household tasks
  • provide school support or tutoring services
  • improve motivation for tasks that our clients wish to complete but need someone to help them to initiate, plan, and follow through with
  • organize their lives, their schedules and appointments
  • help them develop safety skills at home and in the community
  • develop a more fulfilling leisure-recreational repertoire and expand their social circle
  • manage emotions that are forming barriers to their physical, social, and emotional recovery
  • help them problem solve in innovative or creative ways
  • support clients who need personal care due to their physical challenges

Rehabilitation Therapy Services from DMARehability can:

  • lessen a client's frustration with a confusing system of insurance and rehabilitation
  • speed recovery by facilitating a well thought-out rehabilitation plan
  • develop the client's functional independence to improve their mood and self-confidence
  • lighten the burden on family and other caregivers

Exercise Programming

This service is either home based or gym based. One-on-one programs are developed with primary goals that include: increasing/maintaining abilities, returning a client to pre- injury status and/ or creating independence. Abilities and progressions are carefully monitored through period evaluations and detailed reporting. Programs focus on range of motion, strength and functional tolerance improvements with ongoing comparison to pre-injury abilities, if necessary.

Return to Work Programming

As individuals are ready to return to work, DMARehability can assist you in the implementation of early and safe return to work and the determination of suitable positions, accommodations, and Transitional Work Programs. Continued assessment of goals and accountability of all parties involved is monitored to ensure intervention is progressive. Timely involvement is essential to maintaining the social standing of the employee and minimizing injury related impact and costs.

Job Coaching

At DMARehability our trained and experienced job coaches are instrumental in providing one to one support for individuals returning to work when barriers have been identified. Taking direction from a treating therapist the job coach will provide cues for any physical, cognitive or emotional strategy that has been determined. They will document productivity levels and acknowledge and support gains being achieved.