Specialty Services

Through our Continuing Education Program we have supported many of our staff in the completion of programs and courses. As a result our clinical staff have remained current with best practices in their profession, and many have developed unique skill sets and designations. These Specialty Services have been developed following the subsequent growth of extensive internal resources and experiences.

Hospital Discharge (QuickCare)

This program is designed to ensure clients get the care they need, when they need it. Within hours of referral, we will contact the client or a family member and arrange for an OT assessment within one business day. QuickCare services include:

  • Coordinate all aspects of the hospital discharge
  • Complete Home Assessment to ensure client safety
  • Complete an Assessment of Attendant Care Needs (Form 1)
  • Deliver Occupational Therapy follow-up to facilitate functional improvement
  • Coordinate convalescent care, if necessary


Driving Evaluations

Evaluates an individual's potential to safely operate an automobile following an injury or disability. After reviewing the client's pertinent medical history, the Occupational Therapist evaluates the client's physical and cognitive abilities. This examination is followed by an in-car driving assessment with both the therapist and a qualified driving instructor. Our driving assessors are members of the Association of Driver Educators for the Disabled (ADED) and we are registered with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario.

Vocational Placement Program

A Vocational Placement Program is a community-based volunteer work trial arranged in the client's local community. While various medical and rehabilitation reports, opinions and assessments help provide valuable information on a client's employability and functional capacities, at times the best form of assessment occurs in the practical, real world of work. Once an occupational target has been identified, a host employer is sought out and confirmed. Volunteer placements usually occur over a six to eight week period of time. The goal of the volunteer placement will vary; and may include further assessing and enhancing functional tolerances and productivity, providing on-the-job training within a previous or novel occupation, or just providing purposeful and meaningful activity.

Future Care Cost Assessments

An appropriate Life Care Plan provides guidance for ongoing daily, medical and rehabilitation needs for a person post-accident, illness or injury. For a Life Care Plan to appropriately provide for the needs of clients, the plan must have a strong medical foundation and have input from the multidisciplinary medical and rehabilitation team. Thus, consultation with all treatment providers, including family physician, medical specialists, and rehabilitation treatment providers (occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language pathologists, social workers, massage therapists, chiropractors, psychologists, etc.) is essential.

Individuals with disabilities and long term health problems require a concise and detailed future care plan in order to prepare for their future. It provides an up front and planned approach, rather than a more traditional reactionary approach. It acts as an educational document, providing a concise and supported framework for outlining the costs for each individual's unique needs. To this end, it assists with the settlement process.

At DMARehability, the following consistent, standardized process is ensured with each individual:

  • Thorough file review
  • Meeting with the client and family
  • Meeting with the primary care physician
  • Meeting or telephone consultation with all of the treatment providers
  • Research into future complications and considerations
  • Research into the costs associated with the client's needs and functional goals

We believe a proper Future Care Cost Assessment should assist with appropriate reserves and adjustment of the file which will assist all parties with resolution, or at the very least, accurately outline the client's present and future needs.

Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP)

A treatment approach designed to target psychosocial barriers that negatively impact rehabilitation for individuals with such conditions as pain and depression. Marked improvements in re-integration of life activities, quality of life, and return-to-work are evidenced outcomes. These outcomes are achieved through modalities such as the identification of psychosocial risk factors, activity scheduling, progressive activity involvement, goal-setting and problem-solving.

Claims Assistance Program

DMARehability offers a unique adjudication and disability management program that provides early intervention for Short Term Disability claims. The objective is to provide effective claims resolution, while at the same time, minimize the human and financial impact of disabilities.

We provide assistance to reduce prolonged absences and minimize the impact of absences on the individual and the organization. The program empowers employees to seek proactive return to work focused treatments and work in partnership with the employer to resolve the absence.

Increased costs, privacy and an aging workforce are primary factors that have shifted the focus of many employers from an insured model to a self insured/disability management model.

The DMARehability professionals involved in the adjudication and claims management include; registered nurses specializing in occupational health and safety, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, kinesiologists and an extensive internal resource of highly qualified professionals.