Vocational Placement Program

Vocational services are an integral component of the rehabilitation process. Often one of the driving forces and motivating factors during a client's recovery and rehabilitation is the desire and goal of returning to the workforce.

Vocational services are utilized to help the client discover and expand upon his or her employment potential post-accident; through exploration (assessment, volunteer work placement), support (employment counseling, job readiness training, job coaching) and guidance (job search assistance). Vocational services factor and implement the recommendations of all previous medical and rehabilitation disciplines; with the goal of helping the client return to work in an occupation that is as similar as possible in status, nature and remuneration to what he or she was involved in pre-accident or pre-incident.      

Vocational Services at DMARehability are comprehensive and include vocational assessment, vocational rehabilitation and employment search assistance.

At the foundation of the vocational rehabilitation plan is the Vocational Evaluation; which includes determination of the client's aptitude, achievement and interest measures; as well as his or her personal and vocational characteristics. Vocational Rehabilitation services are varied and include Employment Counseling, volunteer work placement, job readiness training and job search assistance. The goal of vocational rehabilitation is to help injured or disabled individuals assess, explore and enhance their post-accident or post-incident capacities and potential to the extent possible.  

Services are provided by trained, experienced vocational counselors and vocational consultants.

DMARehability vocational consultants are also experienced at providing vocational-legal reports to help determine the extent of an individual's Loss of Employment Potential and Loss of Earning Capacity following injury or illness.

Vocational Evaluations/Psychovocational Evaluations

Our clinical psychologist and vocational assessment specialist work as a team to provide a comprehensive and objective assessment.  A battery of tests is administered in order to help identify individuals’ interests, aptitudes, achievement, learning potential and personality profile.  Our report includes a transferable skills component with realistic vocational options. When a psychovocational evaluation is requested and warranted, psychometric testing is included to provide an overview on psychological issues, diagnosis, and how such may affect employability and retraining potential.

Transferable Skills Analysis

Utilization of computer based programs including RAVE, Profiles and the MVQS, allows our vocational specialists to identify appropriate vocational alternatives. A personal interview or review of the individual’s physical abilities, acquired skill base and personal characteristics are essential components. This extensive report also includes National Occupational Classifications (NOC) job descriptions, physical requirements and wage data based on FSCO Wage Tables or local wage data for the primary related occupations.

Labour Market Survey

A Labour Market Survey consists of research and personal contact with potential employers specific to the client’s identified occupational alternatives. This is accompanied by other current labour market information, as researched by our Vocational Specialists to identify job availability, demographic and salary factors.

Vocational Rehabilitation Analysis

A Vocational Rehabilitation Analysis includes file documentation review, a vocational interview with the client, as well as a report outlining current and projected vocational rehabilitation initiatives deemed to be reasonable and necessary as a means of helping the client achieve a successful, sustainable return to the competitive workforce. When a vocational evaluation or other forms of assessment have identified suitable alternate occupations for consideration, it is important to review same with the client to allow for empowerment, inclusion and input into the direction being recommended and chosen.

Employment Counseling

Employment Counseling is a process that includes three of four one-on-one sessions with the client. During this process, suitable alternate occupations (as previously identified by a vocational evaluation) are exhaustively reviewed, researched and analyzed. Skills retraining programs, if deemed reasonable and necessary, are explored.  The client is provided with a binder of material and asked to complete assignments along with various skill, interest and value based exercises to further solidify their occupational path and direction. A report is completed upon completion of service detailing the occupation chosen for further pursuit; along with any remaining steps and supports required to help make a sustainable return to the workforce a reality.

Vocational Placement Program

A Vocational Placement Program is a community-based volunteer work trial arranged in the client’s local community. While various medical and rehabilitation reports, opinions and assessments help provide valuable opinion on a client’s employability and functional capacities, at times the best form of assessment occurs in the practical, real world of work. Once an occupational target has been identified, a host employer is sought out and confirmed. Volunteer placements usually occur over a six to eight week period of time. The goal of the volunteer placement will vary; and may include further assessing and enhancing functional tolerances and productivity, providing on-the-job training within a previous or novel occupation, or just providing purposeful and meaningful activity.

Job Readiness Training

Through group or individual involvement job readiness training can provide resume preparation or updating, job search skills training, telephone and mock interviews with actual employers and provision of additional skills to ensure the client has the knowledge and confidence to uncover the hidden job market.

Job Search Assistance

Some clients present with significant barriers to employment, which may include physical, cognitive, and/or behavioural factors. Even following the provision of job readiness training and various other rehabilitation initiatives, a client may continue to lack confidence in marketing him/herself to prospective employers and struggle with identifying, securing or maintaining employment opportunities. Job search assistance is provided on a direct one-on-one basis to help the client identify or create suitable job openings. The vocational counselor may accompany the client to the actual interview process. Most often this applies to younger clients with limited work experience, or those with severe limitations and related barriers to employment.